Mortgage application checklist
Applying for your mortgage is easier when you’re prepared.
Before you meet with your Scotiabank Mortgage Specialist, make sure you have the following documents ready.

One (1) valid unexpired national photo identification
One (1) valid proof of address (deed, recent utility bill, tax assessment or financial institution/bank statement)
Salaried Individuals: Salaried or Fixed Contract or where commission < 50% total income any two of the following:
- Recent letter of employment
- Current contract executed between the employer and employee
- Pay slip(s) showing the most recent full monthly income (if pay slip shows a deduction at source indicating loan payment, letter of indebtedness is required)
- Bank statements showing direct payroll deposits for the 2 most recent months - including Scotiabank screen print
- Most recent income tax return
- Any official document issued by the local Government indicating income
Commissioned Income: Letter of employment and last 6 months pay slips
Self Employed Individuals:
Business Documentation – one of the following:
- Valid Business registration / License, and most recent Annual Return (where applicable), or
- Financial statements for the last 2 years prepared and signed off by an Accountant on the Bank-Approved panel, or in good standing with the relevant supervisory board, or
- Most recent account statement (Banker’s reference) for an active Scotiabank business or commercial bank account or other financial institution, or
- Certification of incorporation/Articles of Association
Income Evidence documents – one of the following:
- Income Tax Returns for the last 2 years, or
- Audited Financial Statements for the last 2 years, or
- Financial Statements for the last 2 years prepared and signed off by an Accountant on the Bank-Approved Panel, or in good standing with the relevant supervisory board, and six (6) months bank statements, or
- Any official document issued by the local Government indicating the income

Credit Approval
- Source of down payment – account statement or copy of cheque or evidence that monies are deposited in BNS account, letter signed by donor & borrower (if a gift)
- Proof of assets in the name of the Borrower: Statements showing investments or bank statements, copy of land title or motor vehicle title, Pension Statements, last valuation of property
- Proof of Liabilities in the name of the Borrower: Credit Card, Loan or Mortgage statement
- Proof of loan purpose - Agreement of Sale or Agreement of Purchase

Additional Credit Approval Documents
- Current Appraisal ordered by Scotiabank, documents needed:
- Mortgage Deed/Certificate of Title
- Completion for properties < 4 years old (if applicable)
- Most recent property tax receipt
- Maintenance fee statement (as applicable where there is a Homeowners’ Association - Townhouses, Condominiums or Apartments)

Closing & Disbursement
- Evidence of home insurance and assignment to the Bank
- Well and sceptic certificates (if applicable)
- Up-to-date water authority bill/clearance certificate
- Incomplete Development: Certificate of practical completion (if applicable)
- Up-to- date lease rent/maintenance fee receipt (if applicable)
- Lease land: Lease agreement showing expiry for > 5 years after Mortgage maturity (if applicable)
- Copy of share certificate/Article of Association of the administrative company (if applicable)
- Updated credit bureau score (if applicable)
- If seller has a mortgage, you should request to obtain a release or release in Escrow with settlement letter