Find out about the cost.
Home Builder Loan
Having an estimated cost to construct your new home will give you a clear picture of the financing you may require to establish a budget which will be your guide.
Your construction cost will entail, but is not limited to:

Estimated building cost

Architect's fees

Appraiser's fees

Quantity Surveyor's fees

Land development/landscaping



Legal cost

Inspection cost
Avoid changes to the plan mid-way through the project so as not to face project delays or cost overruns that can jeopardize the completion of the project. Ask for a floor plan and elevation drawings for an optimal vision of your future home.
In preparing your budget, it should also include your monthly living expenses and debt. This will give you a true picture of your cash flow during the construction period.
Ensure that you hire a reputable builder who will stay on time and within budget.
Investigate and select an experienced builder from an architect’s recommendation or two (2) references from customers who have had projects completed.
Requirements for builders:
A copy of the Builder's Business License and Degree or Certificate as proof of competency;
List of completed projects and references in the past 24 months. Must include the following information:
- Project/structure type (house, multiple unit dwelling, business, etc.)
- Size/value of project
- Reference contact information
- Larger established builders referred by Commercial Lending are adequate.
When entering into a contract with your builder, we recommend that you negotiate a Fixed-Cost contract, which will assist in managing the budget.