Your life is full of amazing moments.

Make your moves with us, this Christmas.
3 lucky customers will WIN home renovations and a staycation.

Whether you need Advice or customised borrowing solutions for the holidays, we listen; so every plan is tailored to your unique needs.

2 home renovations and 1 staycation to be WON.

WIN 1 of 2 home renovations, when you:

  • Apply for and activate a new/ additional Scotiabank credit card and spend an accumulated amount of BBD $3,000 on eligible credit card transactions by Jan 5, 2024 and you'll receive one (1) automatic entry.
  • Use your existing Scotiabank credit card and receive one (1) automatic entry for each purchase exceeding BBD $800.00.
offering dollar

Shop at grocery stores, wholesale clubs, hardware stores + more.

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Have dinner with friends and family, or order takeout from your fave restaurants.


Turn your credit card purchases into bite-sized monthly installments with Scotia SelectPay™.

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WIN a staycation, when you:

  • Apply for and receive the proceeds of a new Scotia Plan Loan (SPL) for a minimum of BBD $25,000 and/ or
  • Refinance an existing Scotia Plan Loan, with new funds at a minimum of BBD $25,000 and/ or
  • Apply for and receive the proceeds of an Auto Loan for a “Private” or “Transport” registered motor vehicle for personal use.
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Renovate your home.

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Buy a new car or van.


Upgrade your appliances and furniture.

Terms and Conditions