ScotiaCard™ Mastercard DEBIT.
Your transactions at Point of Sale and ATMs are safer than ever with your ScotiaCard™ Mastercard DEBIT. Register and use Scotia OnLine Banking or the Scotia Caribbean App and get real time messages about all of your account activity with Transaction Alerts, Security Alerts and Credit Card Controls.

Shop with peace of mind.
Your transactions at Point of Sale and ATMs are safer than ever with your NEW ScotiaCard™ Mastercard DEBIT, now equipped with Chip and PIN Technology PLUS Tap and Go.
The evolution of payment.
In the palm of your hands.
So many benefits.

Safer than carrying cash.

View transaction history on your Scotiabank e-statement.

Access your account via the Scotia Caribbean App and Scotia OnLine Banking.
Greater Access
Access the funds in your account at all Scotiabank or Cirrus ATMs, and make purchases anywhere Mastercard is accepted.
Shop online.
Shop OnLine and when it's safe to travel again, use it anywhere in the world where Mastercard is accepted.
Mini Chip. Mega Protection.
Your transactions are more secure than ever, when you use your new chip card, along with your Personal Identification Number (PIN) in a chip payment terminal or at ATMs.

Purchase and ATM Protection.
- Up to US$2,500 for Purchase Protection per occurrence provides reimbursement for theft and /or accidental damage of purchase of the covered item.
- Up to US$1,000 for ATM protection per occurrence provides reimbursement for stolen cash.
Activate and use your ScotiaCardTM Mastercard Debit
There’s no need to come into the branch to activate your card. Activate it using your existing PIN
at any Scotiabank or Cirrus ATM.
It's easy to use.
Tap for purchases up to $100 BBD:
1. Look for the contactless symbol at the terminal.
2. Tap your card on the Point of Sale terminal to enable electronic authentication.
3. Wait until the transaction is complete. The screen will instruct you to remove your card and wait for the receipt.
Or insert your card to pay:
1. Insert your card into the Point of Sale terminal and leave it in the device for the duration of the transaction in order to enable electronic authentication.
2. Follow the prompts on the screen and enter your PIN to verify the transaction.
3. When the transaction is complete, the screen will instruct you to remove your card and wait for the receipt.
You're in charge with Scotiabank Alerts.
This FREE service, helps you protect your money.
- Once you sign up for Scotia OnLine banking and/or download the Scotia Caribbean App, you are automatically enrolled to receive Scotiabank Alerts.
- Get real time messages about all of your account activity with Transaction Alerts, Security Alerts and Credit Card Controls.
- Personalizing your Alerts empowers you to monitor and flag any activity on your account(s).
- Account numbers, passwords and pins are not sent via Scotiabank Alerts.
Customize your Scotiabank Alerts, today!