IAAG Adopt-A-Girl Programme.
“Through associations such as this one with I Am A Girl (IAAG), we’re helping these girls improve their education and employment prospects, adapt to changing circumstances and enhance their life opportunities and full participation in the economy."
- Suzette Armoogam-Shah, Managing Director, Scotiabank Barbados
Launched in 2014, I Am A Girl (IAAG) provides mentorship and capacity building sessions aimed at building the self-esteem of young girls from low-income households. IAAG's Adopt-A-Girl programme focuses on educating girls between the ages of 15-18, on financial literacy and goal setting, with an overall understanding of how to invest.
We've been an IAAG partner from inception and our collaboration aligns with ScotiaRISE, our global community investment initiative designed to promote economic resilience among disadvantaged groups.
IAAG Adopt-A-Girl Programme
For the past 2 years on October 11, in recognition of International Day of the Girl, we celebrated with a USD $30,000 donation each year towards the Adopt-A-Girl Programme. We are proud to assist young girls with educational and social opportunities, guiding them on the path towards academic and career success.

"Scotiabank has been supportive from the very beginning. Part of our Adopt-A-Girl programme is giving these young girls the opportunity to have a voice and an opportunity to have sisterhood, and ensuring that their wellness and emotional state are just as stable as their academic abilities. We are not just giving them fish but teaching them how to fish." - Alian Ollivierre, Founder, IAAG.

"Knowing that Scotiabank supports I Am A Girl NGO, other girls in the programme could have the same opportunities that I have. It made me believe in myself and become a better person. It helped me gain confidence. I really appreciate being in this organization. It really helped me a lot." - Kiara, IAAG Adopt-A-Girl participant.

"It has taught me how to be more confident any how to face everyday challenges head on. I love the programme and I was able to set a better example for my two younger sisters who are now in the programme as well. - Dreane, IAAG Mentee
International Women's Day
Throughout the year and in recognition of International Women's Day annually, members of Scotiabank Barbados' Senior Leadership Team engage with the young girls of the IAAG NGO Adopt-A-Girl programme in various capacity building workshops and mentoring them through sharing their ideas and experiences.

Suzette Armoogam-Shah, Managing Director, Scotiabank Barbados views the virtual session, Big Sister Talk, in celebration of IWD 2022.

Dawn Jemmott -Lowe; Senior Manager and HR Business Partner and Natalie Garraway; Senior Manager, Business Support with Zoria Barker, Programming Co-ordinator at IAAG NGO during a workshop.
I Am A Girl NGO
The mission of IAAGB is to inspire, empower, and provide opportunities for young girls to lead, and create positive change. Their vision is to develop a positive shift in community spirit, and built an everlasting sisterhood among girls of every variety of background, locally and regionally.
Want to get involved or request more info?
Cindy Mohammed
Manager – Communications & Corporate Social Responsibility